Following the invitation of Bp. Stefano Rega, the first Italian bishop belonging to the Faustinum Divine Mercy Apostles Association, Sr. Wincenta Mąka and Sr. Amata Strzepek of the Roman community of the Congregation of Our Lady of Mercy will share the message of Mercy with the faithful at the parish of San Nicola di Bari-Giugliano in Naples on February 10. The visual sign of this message is the image of Merciful Jesus, which on the one hand shows God’s merciful love revealed most fully in the life, death and resurrection of His Son, and on the other hand it reminds us to respond to this love, which is contained in trusting Him and actively loving our neighbor. The Sisters will also share their personal testimonies of entrusting themselves to Merciful Jesus and praying with trust at His image, which He Himself asked St. Faustina to paint.