Under this motto, as part of the “Samaritan Woman” project, retreats for women will take place at the diocesan retreat house in Szczucinsk on January 24-26, 2025. This event aims to highlight the great strength of a woman, so greatly needed in the world; that in God’s plan, she is beautiful, free, and independent. During the retreat, the leaders will showcase—through the example of the Jewish biblical heroine Judith, a woman who saved her people, and Mary, the most beautiful and powerful of women—what it means to be a free and strong woman.
The retreats will be led by Sr. Anastasis Omelchenko from the Petropavlovsk community of the Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy, Sr. Kazimiera Wanat, Sr. Madlen Hofmann, and Fr. Hans Peter Reiner.