Already for the tenth time on September 28, we will be celebrating the anniversary of the beatification of Fr. Michael Sopocko. At 3 pm on squares, corners and intersections of the streets in crowded cities, as well as in other public places and at rural crossroads, people will gather to recite the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. The participants will pray for mercy for themselves, their loved ones, their homeland, the Church and the world, especially in the intention of persecuted Christians and their persecutors (for the forgiveness for them and the grace to learning about God). A list of participating communities with a list of streets where the Chaplet will be recited in Poland and outside the country is published at Everyone can join. The event is held to remind us about the message of God’s mercy that Jesus gave to St. Faustina. Just find a place at an intersection and recite the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, individually or in a group. If this is impossible – you can connect spiritually.