Thanks to the efforts of the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy, the construction of the hall for pilgrims in the Shrine of Divine Mercy located near the parking lot behind the basilica is nearing completion. There will be a restaurant, a cafe, shops, a places for rest and sanitary facilities – anything that people need while they are on the way. The construction teams working under the direction of the Zibet company from Myślenice are planning to put the object to operation for the World Youth Day. Currently, finishing works are performed inside the building and landscaping around the investment site is under way.
Donations for this purpose can be paid on the following bank account:
Zgromadzenie Sióstr Matki Bożej Miłosierdzia
ul. Siostry Faustyny 3,
30-420 Kraków,
tel. + 48 12 351 88 00
BNP Paribas Bank Polska S.A.
Odział w Krakowie,
ul Armii Krajowej 28
30-150 Kraków
PLN: 34 1600 1013 0002 0012 3671 2150
EUR: 46 1600 1013 0002 0012 3671 2031
USD: 41 1600 1013 0002 0012 3671 2024